
Facial Aesthetics Aren’t Just for Women—5 Treatments Men Need

Facial Aesthetics Men

At Cheadle Facial Aesthetics at Alderley Edge, we know that men too need and want to look youthful. Cosmetic treatments aren’t only for women. That’s why we take special care to follow the industry’s latest and greatest treatment options to give you just want you’re looking for. From Botox Alderley Edge to dermal fillers in Alderley Edge, we do what it takes to keep you looking your best.

Of course, there is plenty of confusion surrounding this industry. Not knowing which way to turn or what your options are can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve listed the top five treatments men need to continue to look and feel their best.

Hair Removal

Men can be quite the hairy creatures, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is in fact natural. However, it can also be a bit too much. Some men have an overabundance of hair which can be embarrassing. Additionally, some men participate in muscle competitions or serve as models, actors, or public figures and recognize the need to stay hairless.

However, you do not have to be a model or actor to enjoy the awesome feeling of having smooth, hairless skin. Whether your back hair is out of control or you want to take off a little around the edges, our facial aesthetics in Alderly provide a wide range of hair removal services for men.

We use the industry’s latest technology for hair removal such as lasers, to completely rid the surface of the skin of any appearance of hair. This provides a very smooth and clean appearance. To look and feel your best, hair removal services can also be performed for permanency. Instead of worrying about monthly wax sessions, you can invest in a few simple laser procedures and be rid of your hair growth for good.

Facial Lift

As all humans age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity which contributes to wrinkles and saggy loose skin. The result is an unwanted appearance.

Luckily, there is much we can do to remedy the situation. The facial lift is one of the best solutions to this issue. One of our more popular solutions is the brow lift.

A furrowing brow can contribute to deep-set wrinkles over time, but with a brow lift you can smooth the surface of the skin and restore that youthful look. You’ll also have full use of your forehead muscles. This simple surgery is performed on millions of men every year, giving them back the look of their younger years.


Our Botox at Alderley edge provide a complete reduction in the wrinkles of your face. Botox is administered in multiple treatments, and the results can last for up to six months if done correctly.

Our team has extensive experience in performing Botox treatments, allowing you to completely transform your facial appearance within a few short sessions.

Targeted injections relax specific muscles in the face that contribute to a tired, worn out, and aging appearance. They effectively reverse the signs of time in a few simple injections to the surface of the skin.

Dermal Fillers

Looking for a more plump and youthful appearance? Our dermal fillers in Alderly edge provide the ultimate in uplifting youthful skin. We use them to lift and restore volume throughout your mid-face range. Typically, we see volume loss in areas such as the jowls, nose, mouth, nose, and cheeks. Fillers can literally lift these areas to provide a more consistent and attractive look.


Women are not the only ones who require a beautiful facial appearance. Microdermabrasion polishes and softens the skin. Tired, dried out and largely untaken care of skin can contribute to premature aging. Fortunately, microdermabrasion reverses this effect and helps soften your face.

This treatment can also be used to combat acne scars, to reduce the appearance of blackheads, and restore discolored patches of the skin. With a few short sessions, you can enjoy a naturally attractive and even skin tone throughout your face.

Are you interested in trying any of these treatments? If so, we would love to discuss your options with you. As men, we understand it can be a bit overwhelming to try these treatments for the first time, but rest assured it is just as professional of an experience as going to the doctor. Contact us today to learn more about these five common treatments.




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