Even as little as two decades ago if someone suggested that you visit the dentist for a brow lift in Manchester or treatment for various other facial aesthetics in Manchester, you probably would have laughed at them. However with the increase in cosmetic dentistry, more and more dentists are turning to facial aesthetics to create a complete look that enhances the smile.
This means that in 2016, should you need a brow lift, lip fillers, or a course of Botox, Cheadle Hulme residents can call into our state-of-the-art Church Road dental practice and combine this with a scale and polish for their teeth, all under one roof. While this is obviously convenient, the question remains…. how exactly does this fit into dentistry?
The bottom line is that aesthetic dentistry doesn’t just start and finish with the lips. Instead perfect teeth still need to fit into the framework of the face. While an exquisite occlusion and gleaming white teeth are a good start, if they’re framed by a face that’s showing signs of age then it detracts from the effect that the dentist is trying to achieve. For this reason dermal fillers, brow lifts, and Botox can all be used to give a more youthful look.
In addition dentists have a good working knowledge of the anatomy of the head and neck, including all the nerves, blood vessels, and facial muscles that make up the face. Add to this the fact that dentists already deliver hundreds of injections every year and have vast experience and familiarity with the technique, means that they are ideal candidates to provide lip enhancements, wrinkle reduction, and much more.
Facial aesthetic treatments such as a brow lift Manchester or Botox Cheadle are very quick to administer. So for any patient, they can receive noticeably effective treatment against the signs of ageing, in as little as one hour. The latest dental anaesthetics mean that the process is safe and pain free, and patients can look younger faster, without having to go ‘under the knife’. It’s less invasive than many other dental treatments and requires no down time, so it fits right in with today’s busy society. What’s more facial treatments such as botulinum toxin or dermal fillers can be used for anti ageing prevention and anti ageing correction, so you don’t need to physically show the signs of growing old before treatment can be carried out.
If you’re seeking treatment for a brow lift Manchester or Botox cheadle Hulme, then come and talk to Church Road Dental. We’ve been restoring patients’ youthful looks using facial aesthetics Manchester for many years and have the experience and the skills to help you look your very best. For further details contact us today. On behalf of Dr Shi Karim and the team, we look forward to helping you.
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